Your Personality Based on When You Decorate for the Holidays
The holidays are one of the best times of the year for decorating. From colorful lighting arrangements to Christmas trees and so much more, the holiday season is truly an interior decorator’s dream. While we might all love holiday decorating, the thing we can’t agree on is when to start putting those decorations up! Learn what personality you have based on when you decide it’s time to get in the holiday spirit.
Before Halloween
Personality Traits: Eager, Confident, Gutsy
If you’re decorating for the holidays before Halloween, you are the embodiment of the holiday spirit. Some people may think you get started too early, but that doesn’t bother you. You’re confident in your love for the holiday season and in everything you do, and no one is going to stop you from doing things your way.
You’re the person who loves waking up early in the morning to tackle their day before anyone else, is always eager and excited to tackle whatever is on your plate, and jumps for joy in anticipation of what’s coming next.
After Halloween but Before Thanksgiving
Personality Traits: Prepared, Excitable, Organized
This period is when the holiday cheer really starts to ramp up. For some, it may be a bit too early, but it’s the ideal time for others. If you’re decorating during this time, you’ve likely been preparing, organizing, and prepping for what is one of your favorite times of the year.
People in this category are used to being asked why they choose to decorate so soon, and the answer is simply that you get so excited for the holiday season every year! You carry this excitement throughout your life, always looking forward to the next great thing on the horizon.
After Thanksgiving but Before December
Personality Traits: Agreeable, Logical, Orderly
For better or for worse, this is the most common time of the year for holiday decorations to go up. Decorating during this time makes a ton of sense too – it’s right after another holiday and still leaves plenty of time to celebrate.
If you’re a part of the huge group that falls into this camp, you’re likely a very orderly and logical person – someone who carefully considers their options and decides what seems best. Or, you’re the type of person who looks to others for inspiration and advice, taking into account their opinion of what seems best.
Early to Mid-December
Personality Traits: Patient, Relaxed, Easy-Going
While some people are scrambling with holiday shopping and have had their decorations up for weeks, you’re just getting started. You prefer your holiday experience to be short and sweet, rather than a longer, more drawn-out affair.
Your ability to wait until later to decorate makes you an incredibly patient person. Rather than getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, you’re able to stay relaxed and take an easy-going approach to everything you do.
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day
Personality Traits: Spontaneous, Carefree, Bold
Waiting until the day before or day of Christmas to decorate may not be typical, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong! This unique approach to holiday decorating could make it all that more special – rather than something you do in anticipation of the holidays, it’s something you do as a part of them!
While most people choose to plan their ahead, you take a more spontaneous approach to decorating and to life. You’re known for being carefree yet bold – someone who isn’t afraid to do things their own way and doesn’t worry about being late to the party.
Personality Traits: Independent, Unconventional, Consistent
Not everyone decorates for the holidays, and that’s okay! Whether you choose not to celebrate or just prefer not to go through the holiday decorating process every year, that’s your choice to make.
The decision not to decorate may stand out as unconventional, but that’s an admirable trait to have. You are your own independent person, and choosing not to decorate is just one example of that. Plus, your life is much more consistent without the holiday craziness happening every year!
Holiday Accessories at Homemakers

Everyone has an opinion on the best time to decorate for the holidays, and the time you choose can say a lot about your personality! Whether you’re an early holiday decorator or someone who prefers to wait until the last minute, there’s no right or wrong answer to the perfect time. Do what works best for you to bring that holiday spirit into your home!
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